Spinal disc herniation

Spinal disc herniation

We are proposing the intensive program of spinal disc herniation treatment (6-10 treatment daily) that eliminated pains and last approx. 10-14 days, that is adjusted individually to afflictions of every patient and his general health conditions by the clinic's doctor.The treatment plan is proposed after examination of the patient and after analysis of examination outcome.

During the stay, the patient will learn techniques of exercises to perform at home which purpose is the prevention of disease return and the prophylactic rules that are eliminating the bad mobility habits.

Why is it important not to wait for the treatment of Spinal disc herniation and what risk ignoring the symptoms bring?

To some part of patients, spinal disc herniation could be a reason of different spine afflictions such as stenosis or spondylolisthesis. Massive nerve root stress leads to disorder of feel, muscle strength and legs reflexes, which in extreme cases may require surgical intervention.

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