

Treatment and prevention of feet dysfunctions - corrective orthopedic insoles, professional medical pedicure.
Treatment and prevention of feet dysfunctions - corrective orthopedic insoles, professional medical pedicure.

Feet are one of the most important parts of our body. Since our early years, tehy are responsible for proper posture having 3 basic functions: stabilization, amortization, and moving.

Podiatry is a new branch of orthopedics that takes care of diagnosis, curing, and rehabilitation but also prevention of feet diseases. This branch is often associated only with care of feet, removing blisters, calluses, ingrowing nails, which is important to pay attention to the fact that correct position of foot is a very important point in the process of rehabilitation, because it has influence of higher levels of motion such as knee, hip or spine.
One of the most effective solutions in treatment and prevention of feet dysfunctions are orthopedic insoles. Individually adjusted insole has great correction possibility that is supporting kinetics of foot and the entire limb, what results in it preventing overloads and foot injuries. The task of insoles is the proper position of feet, knees, and the lumbar spine as well as reduction of pain and relieving the most overloaded places, in the case of children – correction of existing deformation, stabilizations - it decreases the risk of injury and improves the ergonomy of moves.

We are offering the possibility of special podiatry examination, after which our specialist will design individual insoles for you that are going to be adjusted to the needs of your feet and type of defect or the problem with which you are coming. We have modern equipment such as podoscope, podoscanner and podobaroscopic platform with use of which are performing for among the others detail examination related to the overload of feet during standing and walking, we will indicate the results of incorrect press on the skin condition. Moreover, we are offering professional medical pedicure (removal of blisters, calluses, ingrowing nails or care of damaged heels),which will be used to keep feet in good shape and allow professional, accurate design of insoles.
Please make an appointment for consultation via phone or email:
e-mail: podologia@krojanty.com.pl
tel.: 52 3985656/57 - reception

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