

Our clinic is specialized in the treatment of sciatica. Sciatica is a group of afflictions that are related to a trapped spinal nerve. Without mercy, it attacks with piercing pain, which can immobilize a person even for few weeks.

Our rehabilitation eliminates acute states of pain and improves the mobility without the use of painkillers!

We are offering an intensive treatment program that eliminates pain that lasts approx. 10-14 days (6-10 treatments daily), that is adjusted to afflictions of every patient and his general health conditions by the clinic's doctor. The treatment plan is proposed after examination of the patient and after analysis of examination outcome.

Why should one not wait with the treatment of sciatica and what risk ignoring the symptoms bring?

It is estimated that 50-80% of society at some point in their life will experience the pains of the lumbar spine. Medical treatment is performed to 40% of people from this group.
Many patients are provided with information that their symptoms will be gone within 6 weeks from when it all started with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and keeping an active lifestyle. Unfortunately, many of these people in future are experiencing another spinal pain attacks, that are characterized by increasing intensity of pain and longer duration.

It relates to psychosocial consequences. A sick person is not able to function properly in the family and working life. For most of the people it results in a decrease of life satisfaction, and sometimes it can lead to states of depression.

Most of the patients, that are experiencing sciatica during the interview are reporting previous spinal pains, that were ignored or were not cured they way they should.
Such patients are usually forced to have longer treatment as a result of the extent of harm and due to previous spinal stress.

Many of patients that are visiting a physician with strong spinal pains that radiate to lower limbs after image exploration are send for surgery. Research indicates that up to 50% of these patients can be successfully conservatively threatened, even with neurological disorders.

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