Spot Cryotherapy

Kriokomora, krioterapia

Spot Cryotherapy

Spot Cryotherapy - treatment with cold air (-25 °C - -36 °C): Kriojet, Cryo 5 Zimmer.

It is used usually with early injuries, because it reduces the pain, helps with inflammatory conditions, swelling, increasing the movement in the joint, increases the muscle strength. Thanks to the cryotherapy the time of recovery after joint injury is much shorter.

Cryo 5 Zimmer
apparatus is destined for spot cryotherapy treatments, that is used usually with early injuries, because it reduces the pain, helps with inflammatory conditions, swelling, increasing the movement in the joint, increases the muscle strength.
The treatment is about cooling down the sick area in case of the Cryo 5 apparatus with cold air, and the gas temperature coming from the nozzle has approx. -36 °C. The treatment should be repeated about 10 times and it lasts from 1 to 4 minutes. It can be repeated even three times a day, however, usually one treatment is performed every day (it depends on doctor's recommendations).
During the treatment, therapeutist makes a reciprocating motion in distance of few or several centimeters above the sick area.

Cryotherapy helps with:
2. fresh injuries (bruising, luxation, muscle breaks, tendons damages, ligaments damages)
3. inflammatory reactions of joints, tendons, and muscle
4. osteoarthritis
5. all rheumatoid diseases and rheumatic diseases of motor organs
6. inflammations of joint of metabolic origin - gout
7. multiple sclerosis
8. prevention of osteoporosis
9. paresis and spastic contractures of limbs as a result of hemiplegia
10. cryotherapy can be used as a preparation for physiotherapy



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