Masters Therapy

Masters Therapy

Masters Therapy - treatment in relieving on suspenders
modern kinesiotherapy device is a unique and effective system for functional exercises with the S-E-T method with use of the suspenders system. S-E-T \"Sling Exercise Therapy\" method is a concept based on relieving exercises. It uses the rules of exercises in open and closed chains. Used in rehabilitation (neurological, orthopedical, geriatrics and rehabilitation of children), in sport and fitness.
Suspenders for rehabilitation exercises are used for a very long time. The main rule in suspenders method is the graduation of the difficulty of exercise in order to see improvements. On the lowest level, there are exercises in relieving, that are facilitating the movements (there is the possibility of using elastic ropes and suspenders). You can perform exercises about relieving with adjusted resistance (there is the possibility of using side telescopic column and weights). On the highest level of the scale, there are exercises in so-called closed biokinematic chains. The system of graduation is established so the physiotherapist could adjust efficiency of the patient to required level of exercises.



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