Apparatus Boa Max

Apparatus Boa Max

Apparatus Boa Max
Apparatus for sequential compression massage BOA Max enables performing treatments of pneumatic massage according to fifteen different algorithms for upper and lower limbs. Is is a sequential compression massage, that is compressing air pumped into the sleeves. That was delicate, rhythmic compression waves are created, that are starting from toes, going through the thigh, buttocks, up to the hips.
Compression therapy is used with:
prevention of thrombosis
prevention of venous insufficiency - ulcers and venous edema,
treatment of lymphatic insufficiency - after injuries
post-inflammatory or innate
edema of the lower limbs of various etiology,
swelling of upper limbs after mastectomy,
support of the weight loss.

Preparation before treatment:
- Patient finds comfortable position that will ensure relaxation of area under treatment,
- body part under treatment should be exposed, lower or upper limb depending on the symptoms
- therapist put on special cuffs on lower or upper limbs,
- treatment lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.



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