Compress FANGO

Compress FANGO

Compress FANGO
It is a mixture of paraffin with the addition of volcanic ash. The mass is heated in a special device to approx. 50 degrees C. Then it is placed on foil and then placed on the sick area. The treatment is painless and usually lasts approx. 20 minutes. The compress has the overheating effect. This effect is reached thank to fast and long-lasting heating of muscles. It leads to a decrease of muscle tension, and what comes wit it to the reduction of pains. An additional effect of the FANGO compresses is the removal of harmful and toxic products of the metabolism.
Compresses are used for:
scars, contractures,
chronic inflammatory conditions of soft tissues,
degenerative changes in joints and periarticular tissues,
complications after injuries of motor organs,
subacute and chronic diseases of internal organs
Preparation for the treatment:
- Patient finds comfortable position that ensures relaxation of area under the treatment,
- body parts under the treatment should be exposed,
- therapist puts the compress on adjusting it to the area of the treatment,
- treatment lasts about 20 minutes



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