Laser therapy

Laser therapy

Infrared lasers - laser therapy
Precise irradiation of tissues with use of laser light with biostimulation parameters. With the use of laser light with low density to so-called laser biostimulation, we can deliver to tissues and cells additional energy supporting the natural regeneration processes of the organism and making the healing faster. Additionally by the changes in the oxygen management of cells and polarization of cell membranes we are getting significant pain relief. Thanks to the use of scanner the laser beam are delivered equally to the whole area that is going to be treated.
Laser therapy helps with spine pains, osteoarthritis, chronic inflammatory conditions of nerves, wounds that are difficult to heal, wounds after surgeries, neuralgia, muscle contracture

Apparatus TR-1 HP
it is a diode scanning laser with a wave length of 795nm and power of 1000mW (class 4).
With the use of this apparatus, laser therapy is performed which is about direct irradiation of patient's skin with a laser beam.
Patients, as well as the therapist that is close to the laser, should have protective glasses on, that will protect from laser radiation.
Laser therapy helps with:
- sport injuries,
- neuralgia
- pains of knees, backs
- rheumatism
- degenerative arthritis
- wounds,
- curing wounds and ulceration,
- shingles,
- sciatica.
Preparation of patient for the treatment:
- Patient finds a comfortable position that will ensure relaxation of the area that is going to be treated so the area will be well exposed,
- protective glasses are required,
-during the treatment the patient nor the laser should change position/move,
- you should not look at the source of the laser when the apparatus is on.



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