Scanlab 25 Bodywave

Scanlab 25 Bodywave

Scanlab 25 Bodywave
the device is using high-frequency electric current that is evenly alternated, thanks to which it reduces the risk of thermal burnings.
Therapy with use of this device leads to even increase of temperature and provides reactions such as:
- speeding up the metabolism,
- increased blood flow,
- stimulation of nerve receptors of skin and tissues.
Therapy with use of diathermy with electrical current helps with:
- removal of hematoma in post-injury conditions and makes the regeneration of tissue faster,
- reduction of pain by relaxation coming from warming the tissues that are under the treatment,
- the increase of temperature during treatment allows relaxation of muscles,
- speeding up the metabolism in the area under treatment.
Preparation for the treatment:
- the patient finds a comfortable position that will enable relaxation of the area under the treatment,
- the spot of the treatment should be exposed,
- the therapist is mounting the passive electrode (rod or adhesive electrode) under patient's body, and the active electrode is held by a therapist,
- on the treated area a special gel should be used for the Scanlab 25
- during the treatment, the therapist guides the active electrode around the treated area with round or lengthwise moves,
- during the treatment patient should feel a pleasant warmth, in another case it should be reported to a therapist that is performing the treatment.
- the patient should inform the therapist if he or she has metal implants in the area of treatment. Pregnancy or menstruation should also be reported.



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